Matteri > Storage and Restoration


Winter and summer storage service for boats in a wonderful natural setting

Structure designed to guarantee maximum functionality, private parking equipped with for customers, directly overlooking the lake.

Our services

  • Summer and winter storage;
  • Hauling and launching in water;
  • Collection for winter storage, return in the spring period directly to the requested location;
  • Winter and summer maintenance of the hull and engines and cleaning of the boat and upholstery;
  • Driver service: our staff is in fact made up of excellent pilots capable of driving the most prestigious boat models, in particular Riva;
  • Customer assistance;
  • and many others…


Winter and summer storage service for boats in a wonderful natural setting

Passione che ha avuto inizio alla fine degli anni ‘70 nei luoghi più sperduti d’Europa, tra scantinati e vecchi garage, nella raccolta di ciò che oramai era rilegato ad un glorioso passato.

The Mattieri atelier is defined as a place where you can admire the rebirth of the past, where wood is life and you can still smell its scent today.

Today collectors from all over the world entrust their jewels in the expert hands of Erio Matteri who is among the few shipwrights in Italy capable of giving it new life.